Dymocks Camberwell Storytime

Thank you to all the children (and parents) who attended my storytime at Dymocks Camberwell today. It was a lot of fun and I met some very clever children. Thank you to Kat and her team for organising this event and making me feel so welcome. If you are in the area you should check out their well stocked shop.

Dymocks Camberwell




Three Four Knock on the Door Visit

Thank you to everyone who stopped by “Three Four Knock on the Door” and said hello on Saturday and a great big thank you to LJ and Danielle for hosting me. Check out their lovely shop at 2/188 Bay Street, Port Melbourne if you are looking for that special book or gift. http://www.threefour.com.au/

34 knock on Door


Competition Closing March 31st!

Teddy Bear Contest to celebrate release of latest two Pickle & Bree Books !

The Playground Meanies and The Big Snow Adventure.

Win a personalised print of Mikki Butterley’s fabulous artwork from one of these two books. Just send a photo or drawing of your favourite teddy to alrey@msn.com.au or upload to https://www.facebook.com/alison.reynolds.524 or Twitter @AlisonReynoldsa

Competitions close March 24th and winners to be announced and contacted by March 31st.

Teddy UnpackingTeddy FriendTeddy's Sharing

These teddies are excited to unpack the latest Pickle & Bree Books books and share with friends.


Two more Pickle & Bree’s Adventures!

I am thrilled to announce my friends Pickle and Bree are back in two more fun adventures!

 The Big Snow Adventure  

Pickle and Bree are off for a holiday in the snow! Bree can’t wait to try skiing, and Pickle is excited about snowboarding – but Pickle and Bree are so enthusiastic that they forget they’re sharing the space with their friends. Will Pickle and Bree figure out how to have fun while making sure their friends have fun too.? They have to learn how respecting rules means everyone can have fun.

P&B Big Snow High Res

The Playground Meanies

Pickle and Bree are spending a day outdoors with their good friend, Jason. They’re excited to explore the playground, and are even more excited about making some new friends – until they meet two little bears who are not very friendly at all! How will Pickle and Bree deal with the playground bullies?

P&B Playground High Res

  • Two great new titles in the very popular series which gently teaches children the skills needed to successfully manage relationships, social etiquette and positive behavior in a gentle fun way.
  • Simple, humorous narratives allow plenty of room for discussion between adults and young readers.
  • Beautifully illustrated with personable characters that children will connect with. These are much more than lesson’ books―they are delightfully engaging stories that children will want to revisit again and again.
  • Includes a Handy Guide to Good Deeds at the back of each book.

Published by The Five Mile Press and available now at local and online bookstores.